General information about the Section E13 Logo:
This logo follows the same brand guidelines as the Order of the Arrow trademark. Please refer to the brand guidelines for more information.
The Section E13 Logo is for section use only, which includes any of their official publications. It will be used on the seal and any section-made merchandise.
The Section may make any neccesary alterations to the logo or brand as deemed neccecary to fit certain theme or organizational changes.
It can also be used for lodge-made advertisements for events such as FORUM, lodge contingents to Conclave, COCs, the ACT conference, or any other event posted during a section year term. It cannot be used in collaboration with any other logo including the lodge logo. This exception must have the approval from Section E13 for a lodge to use.
Order of the Arrow Branding
To learn more about the Order of the Arrow branding, please visit their website at